Turn Referrals into Revenue

Earn up to 50% recurring commissions for every new customer you refer. Get exclusive access to features and perks for your business and clients.


Do more with less complexity

Our support team is just a click away to suggest best settings for your website.

  • CSS

    Compression, Minification, Lazy Loading, Critical Path Extraction

  • Javascript

    Lazy Loading, Compression

  • Image

    Compression, WebP Conversion, Size Reduction, Lazy Loading

  • Iframe & Font

    Lazy Loading, Preloading

  • HTML

    Gzip / Brotli Compression, Minification

  • CDN

    Loads all assets from CDN, Smart Caching Policy

Earn Recurring Commissions

You will earn 30-50% recurring commissions for as long as your referral remains a Leospeed customer. We offer a range of plan levels that are fit for any budget and stage of business. When your members renew or upgrade, you continue to earn!

Affiliate Commission Tiers

You earn 30-50% commissions depending on the revenue from customer sales you generate in the 30-days prior to a sale or renewal.

  • $50: You earn 30%
  • $50 - $2999.99: 40%
  • $3000: 50%

Your affiliate dashboard contains a summary of your performance, which includes your current earning tier, based on your prior 30 days of sales.

Affiliate Payout

Recurring commission rates range from 30-50%, depending on the new customer sales earned in the prior 30 days, inclusive of each new sale. You'll earn a base recurring commission of 30% for all referrals, with the opportunity to easily earn 40% or 50%.
Drive $49 or more in new customer sales in the 30 days prior to a new sale or recurring payment, and you earn 40% for that payment. Drive $3000 or more in new customer sales in the 30 days prior to a new sale or recurring payment, and you earn 50% for that payment. See our pricing table for current Leospeed pricing.
Your dashboard's summary page will designate your commissions for each sale, and identify your current tier (under &quote;Reward Offers&quote;).
Commissions are paid on the 13th of the month following the month they are earned. Choose your payout method (Stripe or Paypal) from within your affiliate dashboard.

Commission Rates at a Glance

Tier LevelMonthly New Customer Revenue (Net Sales Amount)Commission Rate for New Customer Revenue & All Recurring Revenue

Frequently Asked Questions

Answered all frequently asked questions, Still confused? feel free to contact us.

How do I promote Leospeed?

When you join the affiliate program, you'll be able to create unique referral links in your dashboard, which you can use to promote Leospeed. You can also use a number of ready-to-go ads, or create your own links to content of ours you want to share (such as blog posts or podcast episodes). With your link in hand, you're ready to promote! Here are just a few ideas our current partners are using to increase their recurring commissions:

Offer Exclusive Deals & Limited Time Offers:
Once you have proven sales history (over 20 customers in a month), you can offer exclusive Leospeed deals and packages on your website.
Drive Traffic to Leospeed Blog Posts, Podcast Episodes, and Tutorials:
Love sharing valuable content? Use your unique affiliate links to drive traffic to any Leospeed blog post or our marketing content.
Promote New Leospeed Features:
Leospeed releases new features and updates. As an affiliate, you can capitalize on any launch or new feature with promotions of your own.
Market Leospeed using client finder:
Love Leospeed? We have an exclusive module for our partners to search for potential clients.

How long is the cookie lookback window?

We currently offer a 90-day cookie life. This means from link click to close of sale, if your referral purchases within 90 days (without clicking someone else's link), you're the affiliate of record. Once they've purchased, you continue to receive commissions until they end their membership.

How do you track conversions?

Conversions are tracked through your affiliate link provided by our affiliate tracking software, PartnerStack.

Do you have links to specific content?

Yes. Inside the affiliate dashboard, we provide you with dozens of links for promoting free content, our homepage, pricing page, etc. We also send you links via email for even easier promotion to earn commissions. It's also easy to create your own links to any specific content of ours (such as a blog post for sharing on social media).

What is the commission payout? How much can I earn?

You’ll earn a base recurring commission of 30% for your referrals (past and present), with the opportunity to earn up to 40% and 50% commission on each sale (new and renewals) based on the amount of new customer sales you refer in the prior 30 days for each transaction. Drive $50 or more in new customer sales in the 30 days prior to a new sale or recurring payment, and you earn 40% for that payment. Drive $3000 or more in new customer sales in the 30 days prior to a new sale or recurring payment, and you earn 50% for that payment. This 30-day rolling window is inclusive of the new sales. Commissions are paid on the 13th of the month following the month they are earned. Choose your payout method (Stripe or Paypal) from within your affiliate dashboard. See our video above for a full explanation of the commission tier program.